Hi, We would like to leverage openoffice base but have a few questions:
- Is there a limitation on how much data we can store in the database(imposed by the database itself)? How many rows can we store per table, etc... - Is there a built in API to import xml data to the database? Thank you, Fitsum Abebe Sr. Software Engineer, PathNet fitsum.ab...@cerner.com<mailto:fitsum.ab...@cerner.com> | 816-888-2569 [http://www.cerner.com/uploadedImages/email_logo.png]<http://www.cerner.com/> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This message and any included attachments are from Cerner Corporation and are intended only for the addressee. The information contained in this message is confidential and may constitute inside or non-public information under international, federal, or state securities laws. Unauthorized forwarding, printing, copying, distribution, or use of such information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the addressee, please promptly delete this message and notify the sender of the delivery error by e-mail or you may call Cerner's corporate offices in Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.A at (+1) (816)221-1024.