Sorry for highjacking this thread...

I would like to promote some issues as release blocker for 4.1.4. The
issues are fixed in trunk and the code changes are minimal.

What would be the best way, as I see no possibility in my bugzilla-account?



Am 05.10.2016 um 00:23 schrieb Patricia Shanahan:
> Could people working on the bugzilla entries check the status and
> update as appropriate?
> Note that I did not include the Mac Tables and Queries issue,
>, in the release notes
> because I did not see enough confirmation that it is fixed. I have now
> denied it 4.1.3 release blocker, but added a request for 4.1.4.
> On 10/4/2016 2:47 PM, Marcus wrote:
>> Am 10/04/2016 10:31 PM, schrieb Patricia Shanahan:
>> ah, thanks. I've updated some text (e.g., separated the sec issue into
>> an own paragraph) and updated the link for the BZ issue list as it still
>> points to 4.0.1.
>> I'm a bit worried about the many issues that are not fixed, resolved,
>> closed [1].
>> But besides this it's OK. So, we are also done here.
>> [1]
>> Marcus
>>> On 10/4/2016 1:29 PM, Marcus wrote:
>>>> OK, binary and source code testing is on a good way.
>>>> What about the release notes. Are these somewhere reachable/readable
>>>> already?
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