Really? Substantial work is done on list to improve the build process for 
Windows and you don't think about mentioning that?

Someone who has a Mac and time could help with  that build!


Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 2, 2016, at 9:05 AM, Dennis E. Hamilton <> 
> wrote:
> We all have these questions, Phil.  What we are awaiting is someone to 
> provide an actionable answer.
> There is nothing to do about the FUD (as is already remarked elsewhere on the 
> What would ... thread).  That's a waste of energy.  What we need is energy 
> put into having an AOO that serves its community.
> Patricia and Marcus have already taken some steps and there is a call for 
> volunteers on the download page.  
> We need people to step up.  The folks we have are already spinning more 
> plates than they have arms and legs.
> - Dennis
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Phillip Rhodes []
>> Sent: Friday, September 2, 2016 08:00
>> To:
>> Subject: What would OpenOffice NON-retirement involve?
>> OK, counter-point to the other thread... let's talk specifically about
>> what
>> needs to happen next, given that some (plenty|most|all|???) of us want
>> this
>> project to
>> continue moving forward.
>> What has to happen next?  What is the most important thing/things we
>> could
>> be
>> working on?  What could I do *right now* to help move things in a
>> positive
>> direction?
>> How can we attract more developers?  How do we counter the FUD that is
>> already being promulgated in response to the "retirement" discussion?
>> etc...
>> Phil
>> ~~~
>> This message optimized for indexing by NSA PRISM
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