> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carl Marcum [mailto:cmar...@apache.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 9, 2016 04:23
> To: dev@openoffice.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [PACKAGING 4.1.2-patch1 Binaries] (was RE: [TESTING]
> Applying openoffice-4.1.2-patch1 for Windows)
> On 08/05/2016 12:28 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
> > Branching off the part that is not about the Windows 4.1.2-patch1
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Marcus [mailto:marcus.m...@wtnet.de]
> >> Sent: Thursday, August 4, 2016 15:52
> >> To: dev@openoffice.apache.org
> >> Subject: Re: [TESTING] Applying openoffice-4.1.2-patch1 for Windows
[ ... ]
> >> To cut a long story short:
> >> I would say yes for a ZIP file for every platform.
> > [ ... ]
> >
> >
> Could we use a cross-platform installer like izpack [1]?
> I started trying it out last weekend and it looks like it could do the
> job of running a rename script and copying in the library.
> A few notes.
> It can:
> display a readme to explain what will happen.
> display our license for acceptance.
> run a script depending on platform.
> Copy in files based on platform.
> Requires Java on the machine to run installer.
> Also the user need to be able to use a file chooser to find the AOO
> directory.

I think requiring Java is a deal breaker, especially on Windows where it is not 
installed by default.  If we required Java for AOO, that would be different, 
but we don't do that and we don't do anything to automate the user having the 
right Java bitness for AOO in the Windows case.  

Explaining how to find the AOO directory is half the problem.  Elevating 
privileges is the other.  The third half is the easy-to-automate part although 
we need to provide something that can be found easily that reflects the version 
of AOO installed.  This is something that we need to fix in future releases.  
(I think izpack should also handle finding the AOO directory and privilege 
elevation.  It may be overkill though, although registry access might be 

I have a batch script for Windows being unit tested.  There is also the 
prospect of a self-extracting/-executing Zip on Windows.  (The batch script can 
be "Run as Administrator" so users can minimize the pain of privilege elevation 
and this will show immediately if they are unable to provide administrator 

> If so I will continue to pursue this but may need so help with the
> scripts and testing.

I can probably help with testing but can't invest much into izpack-ness.  Also, 
I am on Java 8 on my machines that have Java at the moment.  

> [1] http://izpack.org/
> Thanks,
> Carl
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