Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
>> -----Original Message----- From: Keith N. McKenna
>> [] Sent: Wednesday, August 3, 2016
>> 12:47 To: Subject: Re: [TESTING] Applying
>> openoffice-4.1.2-patch1 for Windows
>> Replies in line
>> Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
>>> Testing of an Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2-patch1 procedure is
>>> requested.
>>> The files to be used in testing are at 
>>> <
>> patch1/binaries/Windows>.
>>> The files to be tested and reviewed are
>>> * README-4.1.2-patch1-apply-Windows.txt The description of the 
>>> procedure for applying a corrected library file to installed
>>> copies of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2 on Windows.  Read this first
>>> before deciding to download the Zip file and attempting the
>>> procedure.
>>> * The Zip
>>> archive containing the files to be used in the procedure.  There
>>> is a copy of the README within the archive as well.
>>> * * 
>>> * 
>>> Files
>>> that provide a digital signature, an MD5 hash, and an SHA256 hash
>>> that can be used to verify the integrity of the download and, in
>>> the case of the digital signature, the authenticity and accuracy
>>> of the download.
>>> * [OPTIONAL] If you are able to check any of the .asc, .md5, and 
>>> .sha256 files against the .zip, report any difficulties that may
>>> have been encountered.
>> [knmc] checked the zip against all of the signatures with the
>> following results: .md5 matched .sha256 matched .asc failed with
>> error not enough information to verify signature.
> [orcmid]
> Had you installed my PGP key (in the current KEYS file)?
I imported the entire KEYS from the link provided.
> How did you download the .asc file?
I used the .asc file from the zip archive.
The problem was that your key has not been certified by anyone. I
changed the owner trust in Kleopatra for your key to require only one
certification and then certified your key with mine. Once I did that the
check passed fine.
> [ ... ]

>> [knmc] In section 10 of the procedure section the line "Open the
>> folder selected in step (7)" should read "Open the folder selected
>> in step (8)"
>> On the whole I found the README difficult to follow with
>> information out of sequence and extraneous information such as not
>> accepting help from unsolicited phone calls. Not bad information,
>> just out of place in a process document. Now that I have some
>> available time I will get out my "blue pencil" and mark-up the
>> document.
> [orcmid]
> Note that someone has already spell-checked the document and I will
> do so in the future.
> And all suggestions are welcome.
I have also included an odt version of the document with recorded
changes, both some spell checking changes, moving some things around,
and other suggested changes.
>> One improvement for the average user would be to automate the
>> process with a .bat file that could find the proper folders and do
>> the copy and rename procedures.
> [orcmid]
> Oh duhhhhhhhhhh!
> Yes, there is no reason a .bat file can't be included in the package.
> With "Run as Administrator" that should also relieve the pain for
> folks on non-Administrator accounts who are able to provide/select
> administrator credentials.
> I would leave the longer instructions, perhaps in an Appendix, for
> those who prefer the manual procedure or who otherwise have
> reservations/problems about running a script.
Let me try my hand at rewriting the manual instructions. I used to write
process sheets for a living be interesting to see if my engineering
skills are still up to the task.

> Something to work on over the next day or two while also gaining more
> results from the current testing.
>>> The goal is to provide as much as we can to assist Windows users
>>> in applying this fix with confidence and success.  The experience
>>> of more-knowledgable users who appreciate the difficulties of 
>>> non-experts is important in achieving that.
>>> Thank you for any effort you invest and the feedback you
>>> provide.
>>> - Dennis
>>> -- Dennis E. Hamilton 
>>> +1-206-779-9430  PGP F96E 89FF D456
>>> 628A X.509 certs used and requested for signed e-mail

Attachment: README-4.1.2-patch1-apply-Windows.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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