Am 07/24/2016 06:25 PM, schrieb Dennis E. Hamilton:
A little correction here and there ...
-----Original Message-----
From: Marcus []
My technical additions need a bit more time but in the meantime here are
my text suggestions:
Box headline:
"Developers Needed"
Box text:
"Are you a software developer with C++ skills or have you deeper
knowledge about building software? Do you like to work in open source
projects and you are familar with the English language? Then come to us
and help Apache OpenOffice to grow."
s/you are familiar/are you familiar/
or maybe better, "are you proficient in English?
s/Then come/Come/
s/to grow/expand/
Box mouse-over:
"The Apache OpenOffice project need software developers to grow its
Or how about,
"The Apache OpenOffice project seeks developers to take part in expanding its
OK, sounds better. I've also changed the other things.
and I would like to see more discussion too.
Then I'll keep the things in staging. When someone thinks it's ready,
then just publish it in the CMS.
Not perfect but a start - for discussion and improvement.
For further ideas you just need to change the "orange" properties in
"w.oo.o/dl/msg_prop_l10n_en.js". Or I can do it tomorrow
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