On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 7:40 AM, Marcus <marcus.m...@wtnet.de> wrote:

> Am 07/23/2016 12:59 AM, schrieb Kay Schenk:
>> On 07/22/2016 03:52 PM, Marcus wrote:
>>> Am 07/23/2016 12:47 AM, schrieb kaysch...@apache.org:
>>>> Is there any problem with removing VERY old entries from:
>>>> http://www.openoffice.org/
>>>> We still have references to events in 2014, 2013 that I feel should be
>>>> removed now.
>>>> Also, in the past, we've done a good job of advertising for ApacheCon.
>>>> There is an upcoming ApacheCon EU in Seville, Spain in November. It
>>>> would be great if we could include a link to the information on that --
>>>> http://www.apachecon.com/.
>>>> Thoughts? Volunteers? for any of these suggestions?
>>> I need to do changes on that page anyway. Do you have some text +
>>> graphic + link for me? Then will enable the event box.
>>> Marcus
>>> Here's some text --
>> @TheASF is 300 projects strong and growing. Come learn about all of
>> them at @ApacheCon in Seville - http://apachecon.com/
> for the moment it's here [1]. But will go online, too, when the download
> webpage is updated.
> You'll have to get creative with a box graphic for now...maybe something
>> incorporating the new feather logo(?)
>> No "official" graphic yet. I'll ask about this.
> Got one. It's on "apachecon.com".
> [1] http://ooo-site.staging.apache.org/index.html
> Marcus

​These changes look good to me! I would say they're ready for production.
There may be a alternate actual logo coming soon for ApacheCon EU in
Seville, but what you've done is great for now.

Kay Schenk@Apache OpenOffice

“Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out.”

-- John Wooden

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