Help us connect the dots a little more, John. Case #1:
1. Is there a problem when you go to <>? 2. Is there a problem when you click on "Download full installation" on that page or is it before that? Case #2: 1. Are you in Apache OpenOffice (which version)? 2. There is a notice that there is an update available? 3. There is a warning when you click on that and get to a web page? Case #3: Something else? What does Kaspersky say the Yellow color means? Is there a message of some sort? - Dennis > -----Original Message----- > From: John Holstein [] > Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 09:03 > To: > Subject: You NEED TO UPDATE YOUR Security Certificate Before I UPDATE > OPEN OFFICE > > As long as there is SCUM OUT THERE creating COMPUTER VIRUSES I will NOT > UPDATE your OPEN OFFICE until you UPDATE YOUR SECURITY CERTIFICATE cause > my > KASPERSKY ANTI-VIRUS shows me a YELLOW COLOUR whenever I'm about to > click > on INSTALL your OPEN OFFICE UPDATE----SO EITHER CONVINCE THEM YOU CAN BE > TRUSTED or UPDATE YOUR SECURITY CERTIFICATE( I'm going by my CITY'S > PUBLIC > LIBRARY not UPDATING their Security Certificate the last time I was > there ). --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: