Franz Cauchi wrote:
> Hi Open Office,
> I need help and have been trying to fix this problem for years now. I run a
> small business and use Open Office to generate written documents.
> My spell checker, autocorrectspell and "check spelling and grammar" feature
> have not worked for years. I've even referred to the "help/support" option
> from the task bar while trying to complete word-type documents.
> With being so completely frustrated, I'd even try deleting and reloading
> the Apache software entirely, but for some reason, I can't get these basic
> functions to work...and I'm left checking spelling on other devices to make
> sure I'm not making mistakes!!!
> Can someone please help me?
> Thank-you,
> Franz Cauchi
> Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The usual starting point for spellcheck problems is to delete or rename
the OpenOffice user profile. Doing this sorts out a very large
proportion [read: most] of OpenOffice stability problems. Details of how
to do this are given in our How To's at

Keith N. McKenna

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