I think typically the process for RESOLVED-FIXED (those
issues that were fixed by some kind of code change to
/trunk) issues is to:

* commit the change to a release build
* once the release build is out for testing, check that the
bug is fixed, and use RESOLVED-VERFIED, to verify the fix, then
* CLOSE the issue

Recently, when I was looking at some issues that we'd
targeted for 4.1.2, I came upon a number that had been
RESOLVED-FIXED, but some had been committed to a release and
some had not. For those that had, I skipped the
RESOLVED-VERIFIED step and just closed them.

Currently, I feel we could use some additional help with
a) closing out old issues that have been ported to a
release, and
b) resetting the Target Release information for those issues
that have been fixed but have not been "released".

The following query only looks at RESOLVED-FIXED issues
since 2011-01-01


A warning -- unless you can see an SVN commit clearly
stating that the fix has been ported to one of our existing
releases, it may take a bit of investigation into the
release branch area to determine this.

release branch area--

Our new resolution of FIXED_WITHOUT_CODE should result in
CLOSING without any further investigation.

Thoughts on undertaking this cleanup?

"Time spent with cats is never wasted."
                   -- Sigmund Freud

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