
There is a blossoming Help Wanted arrangement that would be very useful for us. 

I propose that we set this up.  Also, there are places on Wikis and other 
places where Help Wanted for the project using specific tags could be provided.

See some of the tags that are already used and are categorized on the main Help 
Wanted page: 

The place to start might be with addition of the widget for 
project="openoffice" on
 <http://openoffice.apache.org/get-involved.html> if not [also] on the home 

The Help Wanted system is a work in progress.  But it is stable enough to start 
capturing requests.

It may be a simpler way to obtain community support and further support in 
non-developer areas.

There are the following types of tasks built-in so far:

   Programming and Development
   Web Design
   Documentation and Guides
   Marketing and Publicity
   Community Outreach

There are already the following skill requirements/difficulties:


Along with a short description of tasks, there can be links to additional 
details on the particular item and there can be a link to a contributor's guide 
that is applicable for the effort. 

Finally, these tasks can be identified as collaborative and to be done among a 
group of people, not as solo activities.

I think there are many opportunities to use this as a nice on-ramp for areas we 
have available for folks to work.

 -- Dennis E. Hamilton
    dennis.hamil...@acm.org    +1-206-779-9430
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