+1 also.
The issue is whether it is ASF distributed software, for which ASF
trademarks can appropriately be used. I think it is and should continue
to be ASF distributed software.
Releasing the source, on an ASF server, with a PMC release vote, is
required for ASF distributed software. Derived artifacts can also be
made available other ways, and that may be the way most users get the
software. See the number of downloads of AOO installation files from
On 3/20/2016 3:25 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
I think exploring that source being at ASF and the artifact be elsewhere is a
good idea.
-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Marcum [mailto:cmar...@apache.org]
Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2016 09:49
To: dev@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: Re: Releasing the Apache OpenOffice API plugin for NetBeans
[ ... ]
I do prefer this is from the project and if it needs a vote that's okay
I can put together instructions.
I just didn't want take people away from other tasks unless that's the
way we want it done.
A few issues I'm not sure how to handle as an official ASF release in
this case.
1. You can host the .NBM artifact somewhere besides NetBeans.org but the
plugin page I referenced would become nothing more than an advertisement
and not count downloads, comments, votes, etc. For those features and
for the NetBeans IDE updater mechanism to work it must be hosted at
Maybe hosted at ASF and Netbeans would count?
2. The artifact is binary only with no source.
3. The artifact must be Java keytool signed and not PGP. At least the
one hosted at Netbeans.org.
4. The artifact is built with the NetBeans IDE which PMC members would
need to install.
Maybe we can come up with an acceptable procedure where the source is
zipped and PGP signed and becomes the release hosted at ASF and a
NetBeans.org compatible artifact is created from it to satisfy both
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