Hi All,

I would like to create Maven bundles of the source, classes, and javadoc of the Groovy UNO Extension [1] and stage them on the Apache Nexus Maven Repository using groupId "org.openoffice" so this would be from the project.

If the project consensus is that a VOTE is necessary I will call for one after staging and prior to publishing, or if not, I will do another PROPOSAL for release.

There is still a lot of work that will be done on this tool but it is useful now as described in the wiki page [2].
There will be a lot of updates in the coming months.

If there are no objections to the above proposal by midnight GMT Wednesday February 3rd, then I will invoke Lazy Consensus and proceed to implement the above proposal. Following this I will update the wiki page to describe the steps to reproduce future updates.

Another option to this is that I publish them as an individual with a different groupId if this is preferred.

[1] https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openoffice/devtools/guno-extension
[2] https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Groovy_UNO_Extension


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