Marco A.G.Pinto wrote:
I would like to update the official 2010 version of the file with my
version before AOO 4.2.0 is released.

For sure this is not going to happen tomorrow. So we can go through Bugzilla normally.

What is the correct procedure? I know how to pack the files and rename
to acor_pt-PT.dat .

Open an issue, attach your new file and assign it to me. Note that this has nothing to do with the updates from Pootle I mentioned, so this is a "routine" update, like updating a dictionary.

PS-> It will take months to add all the words from my grammar books
which means that AOO 4.2.0 will only have some of the words.

No problem: being a "routine" update, it can be done at every release (like, for example, at any 4.2.x release that might exist in future).


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