
> At 2015-01-09T15:50Z, over the Internet from Seattle, Washington,
>  1. 
> <http://extensions.openoffice.org/en/project/basicaddonbuilder
> -extensions-packager> 
> is accessible and it has your change.

at 14:47 Central European Time (CET) that was not the case

>  2. 
> <https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Extensions_Packager#BasicAdd
> onBuilder_and_AOO_4.x>
> is accessible and the explanation about BasicAddonBuilder 
> 0.5.1 is present.

Yes, No problem

>  3. 
> <https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Extensions/Extensions_and_Ap
> ache_OpenOffice_4.0#addons.xcu_changes>
> works correctly.

Yes, No problem

>  4. <http://calc-info.de/files/BasicAddonBuilder-0.5.1.oxt>
> works, although Internet Explorer 11 treats it as a .zip, not 
> an .oxt (this may be a MIME-type problem at calc-info.de).  
> It is easy to correct the extension on Save As in the browser 
> download initiation dialog.

Yes, No problem

>  5. <http://calc-info.de/files/BasicAddonBuilder-oo3x-0.5.1.oxt>
> also works, with the same problem about .zip.

Yes, No problem 

> Perhaps there was a temporary unavailability of one of the 
> above pages?  (What error code did you receive?)

I got a message _on the extension page_ the calling me at 
aooad...@users.sourceforge.net send an email so that the side 
 again will be publicly displayed.


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