On 12/04/2015 08:27 AM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
> [BCC PMC and QA Lists. This is a serious topic for dev@ community
> discussion.]
> Can we have some visibility on this, please?
> The last aoo-win7 ASF Buildbot success was on 2015-07-28.
> Thereafter, the Buildbot reported exceptions until 2015-10-03.
> There have been no reports at all from that Buildbot since.
> For 4.1.2, the only current builds were the Release Candidates.
> This left very little time for QA testing, with each new RC
> required retesting to some degree.  Those were very short
> windows.
> This also means that the only way to verify anything about
> Windows functions by developers, QA, and anyone else is to have
> the personal means and the computer capacity to do development
> builds, matching the build parameters and other dependencies used
> for release builds.  Isn't that too select and narrow for the
> attention that is required?
> This seems to be at least a quality risk.
> There is also a question of exactly what the present capability
> and capacity is in contrast to what is required to support
> continuous integration of Windows builds.
> - Dennis

I recently modified the buildbot instructions for Linux-32 which
worked one time and now also seems to be non-functioning. I haven't
had time to check on this yet.

As far as the windows buildbot. Some suggestions/approaches.

* take a look at the output from the last build:


I submitted a Jira issue on this a while back. I don't know if the
issue lies in our build scripts for Windows or something else.

ref: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-10481

* take a look at the buildbot setup for Windows (committers only):


Does the configuration for Windows need to be changed in some way?

We can fix buildbot configurations but not resource problems with
the buildbots.

>> -----Original Message----- From: Pedro Lino
>> [mailto:pedl...@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, December 4, 2015
>> 03:58 To: q...@openoffice.apache.org Subject: Daily/Nightly
>> builds for Windows?
>> Hi all
>> Now that 4.1.2 is out and development is again active, I
>> believe it would be good to have the Apache OpenOffice
>> buildbots releasing daily binaries for Windows as well?
>> This has been broken long before the 4.1.2 RC stage but maybe
>> now someone could give some love to the buildbot?
>> With nearly 1 million downloads per day for the Windows
>> platform alone, I believe that it would make sense to make sure
>> that AOO is improved and that any regressions are detected
>> early.
>> Best regards, Pedro
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