Thank you for updating the data!

Looking at the curve for total downloads it seems it is cut off at 160,000,000. It looks like a flat line?

kind regards

Matthias Seidel

Am 24.11.2015 um 16:43 schrieb Rob Weir:
I've updated and run the download scripts for the 4.1.2 release and
put the updated data on our download stats page:

(You might need to force a browser cache update to get the latest data
file to load)

It shows a strong response to the 4.1.2 release, with daily downloads
jumping up to over 170,000 on the peak day (November 9th).   The total
download count (for all AOO releases) is now at 160,562,857.

Downloads now exceed the population of Bangladesh.  If AOO was a
country, we'd be the #8 most populous in the world.  Watch out,



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