I provided the "[REPORT] Apache OpenOffice ODF in the Marketplace - AOO 4.1.1 
Downloads" in response to this question.  It is possible to customize those 
queries in terms of calendar and also by the version of the release that the 
binaries are from.

Is that good enough for the student's purposes?

Note that determining "Open Source Adoption" because the intention is to use 
open-source software and to simply have free to download-and-use software are 
not necessarily the same thing.  It's simpler when the availability of the 
source code is tied to people using it for study, QA, or some development 
purpose outside the project.

In that case, downloads of the source code and the SDK might be better 
indicators.  SVN checkouts and Git clones might be more indicative as part of 

I suppose that some might think that the software being open-source is some 
assurance that its availability will be sustained, and it could be chosen for 
that reason as well, not just ideological ones.

 - Dennis

PS: We have a similar problem with regard to whether adopters of the software 
do so because it is ODF that is important or the ability to work acceptably 
with Microsoft Office document formats is the dominant factor, whether 
Microsoft Office itself is available on the same platform or not. The same can 
be said for supporting WordPerfect format.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: JZA [mailto:acolor...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Sunday, November 8, 2015 18:09
> To: dev <dev@openoffice.apache.org>
> Subject: Re: 0 Downloads on stats
> As a sidenote the stats havent been updated in 3 months, so would be
> nice
> to do this.
> On Sun, Nov 8, 2015 at 8:06 PM, JZA <acolor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Giving some information to a student doing a paper on Open source
> > adoption, I notice that the stats failed recording the downloads from
> our
> > provider.
> > http://www.openoffice.org/stats/downloads.html
> >
> > On 7/17/2015 we had a 0 download that day. Wonder if this was a bug,
> and
> > wonder if we could add a note and do a revision of what could have
> happened.
> >
> > Regards.
> >
> > --
> > Alexandro Colorado
> > Apache OpenOffice Contributor
> > 9060 55AB FFD2 2F02 0E1A  3409 599C 14FC 9450 D3CF
> >
> --
> Alexandro Colorado
> Apache OpenOffice Contributor
> 9060 55AB FFD2 2F02 0E1A  3409 599C 14FC 9450 D3CF

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