By golly you are right, I didn't notice that mr. David Gerard has really
turned this into a personal crusade of his.

On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 3:35 AM, Larry Gusaas <>

> On 2015-09-15, 5:17 PM John D'Orazio wrote:
>> Well actually the case of the wikipedia article is different, because the
>> adjective that is used for the project whether "dormant" or "moribund" is
>> not in fact actually being referred to the Apache project  but to the
>> pre-Apache project.
> No. It is Apache OpenOffice that is being called "moribund".
> See
> The Apache project is indicated as being a derivative
>> project, and has been given a separate page as such. T
> No. The Apache OpenOffice page states:
> "Apache OpenOffice (AOO) is an open-source office productivity software
> suite. It is a successor project of "
> he issue there is
>> that one or two users (who happen to also be moderators) are very set on
>> considering the Apache project a different project, and not the
>> "successor"
>> of the Oracle project. So it's actually the Oracle project that is being
>> called dormant.
> Wrong. Check the page
> --
> _________________________________
> Larry I. Gusaas
> Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
> Website:
> "An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind
> theirs." - Edgard Varese
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