Sorry, I missed the infobox when I looked at the page.  You're right,
having "Dormant" there is flat out wrong and very misleading.

I changed it to "Active" just now and added a ref pointer to the 4.1.2
release schedule that Andrea just provided.  I just hope there aren't
certain parties with a vested interest in denigrating AOO sitting around
planning to start a revert war over this.   :-(


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On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 10:08 AM, Max Merbald <> wrote:

> Hi Phil,
> what I meant was the infobox at the top right. In that box it says that
> AOO is dormat, which is not correct and which is not in the citations. The
> presence of a citation does not necessry mean that the claimed info is in
> the citation. If people read on the Wikipedia that AOO is "dormant" they'll
> start looking for different office software.
> Max
> Am 03.09.2015 um 23:12 schrieb Phillip Rhodes:
>> I just looked at the Wikipedia page and don't see anything that's -
>> strictly speaking - incorrect, or lacking citations.  IOW, I don't see any
>> supportable rationale for removing anything that's there, although one
>> could question the motives of whoever made it a point to call out some
>> concerns about lack of activity in the first paragaph of the article.
>> Nonetheless, I think any attempt to modify that will face opposition.
>> In a related vein, The Guardian recently ran this article titled "Should I
>> Switch From Apache OpenOffice to LibreOffice or Microsoft Office".
>> I don't know if there's any easy way to counter this narrative that's
>> spreading through the press, about AOO being dead/dormant/whatever, or how
>> LO is clearly "the winner", but it's definitely unfortunate to see this
>> kind of stuff spread around so widely.  :-(
>> Phil
>> This message optimized for indexing by NSA PRISM
>> On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Louis Suárez-Potts <>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Max,
>>> On 03 Sep 15, at 16:31, Max Merbald <> wrote:
>>>> Hi there,
>>>> the Engish Wikipedia claims that AOO is dormant. I can't see where they
>>> have the information from. The sources they use don't say so. I think
>>> it's
>>> definitely bad for OpenOffice when people think no more is done about it.
>>> The problem is also that LibreOffice has just published its version 5.0
>>> and
>>> is getting ahead of us.
>>> thanks for the alert.
>>> Wikipedia is composed by a crowd of editors, and you can change the entry
>>> to reflect the facts.
>>> So can anyone on this list. Becoming an editor at Wikipedia is not
>>> arduous.
>>> Louis
>>>> Max
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