Andrea, et al.,

> On 05 Sep 15, at 17:08, Andrea Pescetti <> wrote:
> I've started a status page for OpenOffice 4.1.2 at
> It is not complete yet (for example, the Bugzilla queries are still missing, 
> I know Kay sent some updated ones, feel free to edit), and it does not 
> contain anything really new for people who do follow this list. But it may be 
> useful to occasional readers of this list, just to see where we are and what 
> is ongoing.
> Actually, there is a "Volunteers" column where you can add your name for 
> specific tasks: please do!
> The page is loosely based on other pages and on a model proposed by Marcus 
> several months ago, but it doesn't get into details since it is just an 
> overview page rather than a precise task list: we have this mailing list for 
> discussions.
> Regards,
>  Andrea.
I’m curious—perhaps someone would want to undergo the pain of comparing our 
4.1.2 with LibreOffice’s 5.0.1? A task somewhat beside the point. But possibly 
of marketing use. And also a means by which we and others can evaluate what is 
meant by our respective releases.


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