It is not clear to me what is being discussed here.  Can we separate out the 
parts, please?

 1. There is discussion of sending someone to participate in the ODF Plugfest 
to be held on 2015-09/15-16, 11 days from now.  That includes a request for 
travel funding.

 2. It is not clear to me exactly what that participation would be.  Is it only 
to participate in status and not testing?  If it is status, it appears that any 
status presentation is likely part of an agenda item to be led by Gijs 
Hillenius of OSOR.  See 
  The topic is "ODF in the market place."  That is an interesting topic if it 
remains the focus.  I'm not certain what we know about in that respect.  I 
definitely think it would be useful to have concrete information about that 
specific topic with respect to Apache OpenOffice.  If we figured it out, we 
could offer a slide or two without having to be there.  Would that suffice?

 3. I don't understand what English flyer from the OpenDocs Society is being 
spoken of.  I don't recall the ASF and certainly not the AOO Project being 
participants/sponsors of the OpenDocs Society.  Am I mistaken?  Is a draft 

 4. Also on this thread, there is some question about payment.  If this is with 
regard to sponsoring this event, or being a sponsor in the production of a 
flyer, the timing is very short here and it seems to me that the window may 
have closed.

Also, please note that today is the early-start beginning of a major 3-day 
Holiday weekend in the United States.  We must move deliberately but 

Please clarify,

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Louis Suárez-Potts [] 
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2015 07:27
Subject: Re: [DISCUSSION] ODF Plugfest, September 2015


[ ... ]

Status, then, is:

* We need to update the English flyer that OpenDocs Society has created. 
Roberto (or DH) seem to think this is a PMC-level decision. Be that as it may, 
I think it’s in our interest as ODF implementers to do it. 

* We are agreed that it would be good to have an AOO representative at the 
upcoming ODF Plugfest. "Upcoming" is an understatement; it’s nearly imminent, 
15& 16 September of this year. 

* Roberto cannot go. Andrea cannot go. Dennis (whose has invested a lot of time 
into ODF matters) cannot go. I may be able to go but would need to have my 
travel taken care of by our bursary. As I live in Toronto, it’s bound to be 
more expensive than someone coming from Europe. 

- Rob would also be a choice, as he used to lead, and may still, the Oasis TC, 
where ODF matters are decided (or not…). Rob? Rob would also encounter the same 
Atlantic as I, and as he is with a large company, there may be issues with him 
accepting AOO funds. (There were such issues when I was with large 

Why is this event important? The UK government back in 2014 announced its ODF 
desires for a large swath of public documents. Other governmental entities in 
other parts of continental Europe, have been hedging towards ODF or at least 
away from 20th-century style desktop/intranet installations and toward what 
could be a future (or just a lousy investment). This ODF plugfest has several 
of the governmental practitioners presenting or attending. 

Our concern is that they look to AOO and see…. nada. An absence the would 
confirm what the tech journos love writing about us, that we’re dead, dying, 
and worse, stifle the living communities. 

I don’t think those representations are justified at all, and I would hate for 
them to be given the semblance of truth by our absence 

But this is not the only Plugfest that will happen nor is it the first that has 
taken place since the UK gov’t’s announcement. The world will not come to an 
end because we do not show. But it would be better if we did.

Finally, if we do need to take a PMC vote on updating the English flyer, then 
let’s get that going. Personally, I’d just think that if someone wants to 
tackle it, please, go ahead and drag in whomever else you want and is willing 
to help out. Why do we need to add yet more bureaucracy to this?

Because to print out a lot of the flyers and make them look glossy and cool, 
that takes money, which we can spend, but only after the PMC has voted on doing 
so. Hence the PMC vote.

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