Am 08/28/2015 06:07 PM, schrieb Kay Schenk:

On 08/27/2015 09:05 PM, Damjan Jovanovic wrote:

I am in the process of migrating our unit tests from cppunit to Google
Test. However AOO doesn't build with cppunit and hasn't been routinely
built with cppunit for a while, which means our unit tests are in a
state of neglect, and unsurprisingly, there are many failures both
compiling and running our unit tests.

Ideally we should investigate why and fix the tests. But the APIs
being tested are complex and unfamiliar to me (eg. SVG parsing), and
would take very long to investigate properly.

I could commit changes that will just get the tests to compile, then
fail during testing and stop the build, thus forcing others to fix
them quickly :-), but I don't imagine that will go down well. So I am
taking this approach instead:



Also I am making unit tests run on every build. This way at least some
unit tests will be run, and any future regressions to tests can be
caught immediately, while the broken tests can be fixed gradually.

Everyone happy?

Well pretty much. :)

I've been watching your commits. Thank you for taking on this
challenging task.

also from my side a big thank you for your migration efforts. I'm not a developer, so I don't know how much work it is. But it's good to see that you want to bring these area to a more modern base.


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