On Thursday, August 6, 2015, Michal Hriň <h...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> finally I setted up Windows machine for dev builds.
> I have compiled build from AOO410 branch, for this time only in US and
> sk language.
> If nobody have better solution, I can prepare test builds.
> The only problem is that I cannot access people.a.o machine, I have
> generated ssh keys and uploaded public key to my id, but connection is
> still refused.
> I can upload builds to OneDrive or to our own server, but it has
> limitted bandwith so somebody need to copy it, to Apache machines (it
> can't be used for massive downloading).
> Jan - could you sent to me in private step-by-step guide for dummy
> about digital signing ? I can play a little with it. (for example with
> self generated certificate)

I wrote it in an earlier email, search for digital signing. You need a
verisign account and only andrea has a AOO account and you need a simple
modification of the build procedure.

Andrea wanted to add me earlier but due to I believe some complications it
never happened.

Anyhow the way I suggested digital signing, was an idea which I tested, but
others might have different ideas about how to do it. First step would be
to agree on what should be signed (only the setup exe, the runtime exe, the
runtime dll and jars). A good digital signing (like my proposal) contain it

jan i

> Thanks everybody!
> Regards wih wishing good day,
> Michal Hriň
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Sent from My iPad, sorry for any misspellings.

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