On 07/05/2015 03:16 AM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
> Kay Schenk wrote:
>> As near as I can tell, once you specify --package-format=
>> installed any other package format specifications are ignored. I
>> was trying to generate BOTH an installed AND rpm packaging with 
>> --package-format="installed rpm" when I noticed the rpm packages
>> were not there
> Strange. I've just done the same for the AOO410 branch and I got
> both installed and RPM.
> The "installed" version is in 
> ./instsetoo_native/unxlngx6.pro/Apache_OpenOffice/installed/install/en-US/openoffice4/program/soffice
> The RPM packages are in, e.g., 
> ./instsetoo_native/unxlngx6.pro/Apache_OpenOffice/rpm/install/en/RPMS/openoffice-writer-4.1.1-9775.x86_64.rpm

hmmm..I did not get this second area created :(

The logic in the makefile led me to believe that once
format = "install" is detected, no other package format is created.

> Building the RPMs, especially for a multi-language build like mine, 
> takes a lot of disk space, so maybe the build process had problems
> with it (but it would have terminated unsuccessfully in that case, if
> I remember correctly). I was building on an existing (64-bit) tree,
> with all dependencies already downloaded, but I confirm that both
> the installed and RPM files have been regenerated as expected.
> Regards, Andrea.

For testing building the rpms and installing them is really a pain.

With package-format = "install" , no worries about having to bypass the
rpm update issues, etc.

Anyway, for now I did update the build instructions according to my
experience. But, it can of couse be changed if it was something I did
wrong to cause this and not an issue.

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