Given this problem is not fixed in the current download, should the project
suspend downloads until it can be addressed? Few of the people downloading
the package will be aware of this CVE or of the necessary mitigation


On Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at 8:13 PM, Herbert Duerr <> wrote:

> CVE-2015-1774
> OpenOffice HWP Filter Remote Code Execution and Denial of Service
> Vulnerability
> A vulnerability in OpenOffice's HWP filter allows attackers to cause a
> denial of service (memory corruption and application crash) or possibly
> execution of arbitrary code by preparing specially crafted documents in
> the HWP document format.
> Severity: Important
> Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
> Versions Affected:
>     All Apache OpenOffice versions 4.1.1 and older are affected.
> Mitigation:
> Apache OpenOffice users are advised to remove the problematic library in
> the "program" folder of their OpenOffice installation. On Windows it is
> named "hwp.dll", on Mac it is named "libhwp.dylib" and on Linux it is
> named "". Alternatively the library can be renamed to anything
> else e.g. "hwp_renamed.dll".
> This mitigation will drop AOO's support for documents created in "Hangul
> Word Processor" versions from 1997 or older. Users of such documents are
> advised to convert their documents to other document formats such as
> OpenDocument before doing so.
> Apache OpenOffice aims to fix the vulnerability in version 4.1.2.
> Credits:
> Thanks to an anonymous contributor working with VeriSign iDefense Labs.

*Simon Phipps*
*Office:* +1 (415) 683-7660 *or* +44 (238) 098 7027
*Mobile*:  +44 774 776 2816 *or Telegram <>*

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