This technica information is usually on our wiki, however what you are
asking is a bit too specific. I think you should provide a sample
document with large set of unicode to be able to test it.
AOO uses the IBM developed ICU4C (International Component for
Unicode), more information here:

Looking on our Issue trackers, I couldnt find any issues related with
large sets. So my guess is that you shouldnt have any substantial

On 2/19/15, Steve Henes <> wrote:
> As hard as it is to find a place on the website showing the improvements
> in the newest version of Open Office,
> It is even harder to find a place to let you know that it appears like
> an attempt to avoid making useful information easy to find
> I know this is the wrong place to send this to  -  please forward.
> I primarily want to know if the newest update will support a useful or
> very large subset of unicode characters.
> A search for Unicode on your site provides nothing, so I assume you
> don't support it.
> Each time I come to your site, finding anything more than a lot of
> statements about how wonderful you are is difficult.
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Alexandro Colorado
Apache OpenOffice Contributor
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