Hi Michael,
Hi all,

2015-02-13 9:42 GMT+01:00 RA Stehmann <anw...@rechtsanwalt-stehmann.de>:

> On 13.02.2015 09:05, jan i wrote:
> >
> >
> >> I cannot see them included in the original IP clearance, so my best
> guess
> >> is that they were forgotten, but others might know more.
> >
> I think, that both products are derived works from OpenOffice.org.


> Maybe the people, who developed both projects, have not all signed a
> copyright assignment contract with SUN or Oracle.

I think so.

> [...]
> OOo4Kids is a fine product and can be important for the success of Free
> Software.

 Yes, but perhaps that the maintaining of OOoKids could also disperse the
forces instead of concentrate the effort on AOO. Specific functions for the
school can be provided as extensions, as our member Mary B. already does,
with her PicoSvox extension, for instance . So, I wonder if it couldn't be
more easy to  simplify the interface of AOO and adapt it for the school, as
OOo4Kids did, but avoiding to maintain two separated products, acting
directly on AOO.
A possible but limited way to reach such an objectiv is to create specific
AOO profiles  adapted for different categories of students. It's perhaps
not the perfect way but it has the merit to be realizable without any
modification of the code. Perhaps other more sophisticated solutions are
also possible, but I'm not a coder.



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