Пятница, 13 февраля 2015, 7:58 UTC от jonathon <t>:
>Hash: SHA1
>My impression was that when Apache Foundation accepted OOo, they also
>accepted the OOo4Kids and OOoLight projects.
>https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Education_Project/OOo4Kids says that
>the OOo4Kids has been depreciated, and points to
>http://educoo.org/OOo4Kids.php as the main page.
>As far as OOoLight goes, the only hit on the Apache Wiki is
> ,
>which is a description of things that can be removed from OOo, to
>improve performance/reduce the CPU/memory requirements.
>OOo4Kids 1.3 can be downloaded from
>http://educoo.org/TelechargerOOo4Kids.php , and is licenced under the
>LGPL 3.0.
>http://sourceforge.net/projects/educooo/ lists December 2013 as the date
>of OOo4Kids 1.3.1, as the most recent release.
>OOoLight 1.1 can be downloaded from
>http://educoo.org/TelechargerOOoLight.php .
>OOoLight_1.1_120609_LinuxIntel_install_rpm.tar.gz is listed at
>with a modification date of 2013-12-30. The sourceforge site implies
>that it is LGPL 3.0.

This versions are based on  OpenOffice.org 3.2

Yakov Reztsov

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