Am 02/02/2015 11:17 PM, schrieb Rob Weir:
On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 5:07 PM, Marcus<> wrote:
Am 02/02/2015 09:15 PM, schrieb Rob Weir:
Not sure what we can do about this, or if it is widespread. I hope it
is not a general attitude against open source at BestBuy, the largest
nationwide electronics retailer in America.
But I do wonder if they have a bad feeling regarding open source after
in the article "they" was just a single user. Or should I say a sales clerk?
A few years ago there was a report that sales clerks at this retailer
were being trained to tell customers to avoid open source:
sure, they cannot make any revenue with Linux. But with Windows and its
software stack. ;-)
At the end, I think we cannot do anything in this case and hardly
anything in general - except to fight against these talkings when we
hear something similar at electronic retailers, in Internet forums, etc.
Either she has made a personal bad experience with OpenOffice because she
downloaded the software from the wrong website, or heard it from someone
else and now takes it over as her opinion or (what I believe) she is just an
average seller with lousy arguments: bashing product A to sell product B, C
... ;-)
being sued by the SFLC over GPL violations a few years ago:
Also in the law case the mistake was to sell a product with GPL-based open
source software but *not* to put the source code with the product like it
has to be to fulfill the conditions of the GPL license.
This is one reason I think it is important to have a page on our
website that explains that Apache OpenOffice has a permissive license
and does not have these same risks.
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