It's my birthday and it just seemed a good idea to move the needle on Priority 
#1.  I'm rather uncomfortable about self-nomination yet I figure the 
conversations and discussion are of value.

I hereby nominate myself as the replacement for Andrea Pescetti as Apache 
OpenOffice PMC Chair.

  My promise, if selected, is to faithfully deliver on the responsibilities of 
a PMC Chair as required of an Officer of the Foundation.


  With regard to the PMC, which I am not a member of, my promise is to serve as 
an effective member of that community and with particular attention to PMC 
responsibilities to the Foundation but also to the cultivation of a 
sustainable, thriving project.  
  As an AOO committer, my personal itch is around intake of new developers and 
reducing the friction and learning curve that goes with that.  I am also 
personally committed to furthering the interoperability among ODF-supporting 
products of all kinds in whatever ways that works for Apache OpenOffice.  I 
have been training to become more involved in the code, as slow as I am at 
that.  I am also interested in how user support can be broadened and materials 
brought current and highly-available.


Folks who've been here since OpenOffice came to the ASF will recall that I was 
a member of the PPMC and did not continue after graduation to a Top Level 
Project.  On the PPMC I was an initial committer and I contributed to 
administrative activities for some mailing lists, intake of new committers and 
PPMC members.  I was particularly pleased to participate in the preservation of 
the OpenOffice Forums.

I have no difficulty with administrative, procedural, and policy matters.  My 
departure was more from recognition that I was not equipped to work on the code 
and that I did not just want to continue as an administrative resource.  I also 
left the OASIS ODF TC around the same time.

Meanwhile, I engaged in some training, including in security and cryptography, 
an interest of mine with respect to document privacy.  Last year I became 
interested in change-tracking and I'm currently putting the final touches on 
two workshop papers I presented last September.  I also did some course-work in 
software development and I am continuing that.  

It was renewed interest in tracked changes and other aspects of ODF 
interoperability that brought me back to following AOO lists.  My participation 
has increased to the current level over the past few months.  I also joined the 
Apache Corinthia Incubator as an initial committer and PPMC member of that 
newborn podling.


I wrote my first line of code when I was 19.  That was in May, 1958.  I went 
through the usual progression of development from programmer to becoming a lead 
developer on what we called systems software, including assemblers, compilers 
and utilities for the machines of the time.  I also did some 
programming-language design work.  I had the good fortune to work at Sperry 
Univac, in Seattle, New York City, and Blue Bell Pennsylvania during the peak 
of Grace Hopper's presence there.  Although she knew me, I did not do much 
directly with her (although I graded papers for her once when she was teaching 
a course in the Wharton School). Later I became a consultant, and after two 
tours at Xerox Corporation, serving as a software architect and technical-staff 
member, first in Rochester, New York, and finally in Palo Alto, I retired at 
the end of 1998.  I recommend retirement as a career.

I began working in industry standards when ASCII was a new-born and ALGOL 60 
was expected to revolutionize programming.  Document formats became of interest 
while I was at Xerox and I participated in development of consortium agreements 
for document management.  Most of my internal work in my later Xerox years was 
around interoperability provisions of various kinds.  I dug into OOXML and ODF 
only after my retirement when those standardization efforts were moving along.  
There are words of mine in both of those specifications.


Most of us are only acquainted on the Internet and, while I have met others on 
AOO, those occasions are rare and fleeting.

More than that, I want to offer, in my nomination, an opportunity to say what 
doesn't work with regard to me personally.  I welcome that.  And please express 
more of what is wanted from the Project that is not happening and how any 
contributors are expected, not just the PMC and its Chair, to make a difference 
with respect to the expectations this community has.

I respect all feedback and discussion and I will still be here whatever the 
outcome of this Priority #1 activity happens to be.  I am not attached to being 
PMC Chair.  I am offering to take on those duties as a means for us to move 
forward onto other priority challenges for the Project.

 -- Dennis E. Hamilton    +1-206-779-9430  PGP F96E 89FF D456 628A
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