You probably need to build an .exe that uses that DLL.  You need something that 
will call entry points in the DLL so you can debug into them.  Do you already 
have something for that?

You will need to somehow tie that to the sourcecode of the DLL and whatever 
debug information was provided when the files that create the .obj files it 
contains were compiled.  

You might be able to figure that out by finding the makefiles and such that get 
you just sw.dll in the generated build structure.

 - Dennis 

-----Original Message-----
From: aronsoyol [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 18:44
Subject: Question about partial build with debug

Hi all

Hi I want to partial build a debuggable dll for sw module

First, I did a entire build on Windows with configure switches:

[ ... ]

Then I did

cd instsetoo_native
build --from sw --prepare
build debug=t --html --from sw

And copied new sw.dll into install directory then attached visual studio,
but vs could not stopped at any break point.
I don' t know where was wrong and how should I do.

Best regards.


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