-- replying below to --
From: Michal Hriň [mailto:michal.h...@yahoo.com.INVALID] 
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2015 01:48
To: dev@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Re: [VOTE] New Apache OpenOffice PMC Chair

V Štvrtok, 15. január 2015 o 09:04 +0100, Andrea Pescetti napísal(a):
[ ... ]
> Procedural note: I didn't add it to my initial mail in order to keep it 
> short, but it is highly recommended that -1 votes be accompanied by a 
> brief motivation (1-2 lines), especially if you haven't participated in 
> the discussions so far. Knowing what is wrong can help a lot. This holds 
> for the -1 votes that have already been expressed too.

Maybe I don't uderstad very well.

Let me express my frustration.

Andrea, you are active chair and member of ASF! (there is now place for
politness) Kick -off all PMCs and bring project to life !

   It is not in the power of the PMC Chair to expel members of the PMC.
   It might not even be in the power of the PMC to expel members. 
   Even if it were, it is not clear that the AOO PMC is capable of such
   a thing.

There are some people who still believes in project, but ...

Proble is not non active people, less releases or resources. Problem is
that every idea is killed. 

This vote was good idea but I thought that you will have disagreement or
not 3 binding votes.

   It seems to me, without any insight into the operation of the AOO PMC,
   That we may be seeing a failure of "community."  I also sense that there
   are different ideas about how work gets done, as if it can somehow be
   commanded (or prevented).
      The PMC Chair is not in a position to impact any dysfunctions
   by much (but would, ideally, not add to or cultivate them).
      There is work, at this moment, in establishing what is thought of
   as the Apache Project Maturity Model, a description of what a
   top-level project should have in its "DNA" as a sustained model 
   by the time it graduates from incubation.  It might be useful for those
   here to review that model and determine how willing they are to 
   operate by it in their conduct here.  See
   This is discussed on the dev @ community.apache.org list.


Michal Hriň

> Regards,
>    Andrea.
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