Am 01/13/2015 12:23 PM, schrieb Kazunari Hirano:
I am a PMC member and inactive here, I am very sorry.
great to see (read) you back here again. :-)
Our Apache OpenOffice Japanese community members are few.
I think in Japan there are many Apache OpenOffice users and a few developers.
Maho Nakata, ,you know him, and I
have been trying to rebuild the community but we have failed so far.
We have no idea, what and how should we do?
OpenOffice is a large software within a large project as well. So, it
can help to start with small things to see if this works. If so, then
grow up with bigger things.
Just 2 ideas:
If you are just a few and maybe not that far away from each other, then
it should be possible to do a meeting in person - face-to-face. Here you
can talk about the problems and possible solutions that are special for
your (Japan) local area. And then try it.
After that (or in addition) also doing this in the shape of a little
conference, fair, seminar, workshop, etc. to try to meet with as many
OpenOffice fans as possible could be helpful.
So I expect PMC Chair(s) encourage PMC members to speak up and share
ideas, how to develop local communities.
Don't wait for the (old|new) chair to take action. ;-) Start now
yourself with stating your problems and attempts you have already done.
Then we can reply to this.
I think Dual Chair (Two Chairs, or, Chair and Co-Chair, or whatever :)
) is a good idea.
I would be comfortable with that!
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