> On 12 Jan 2015, at 17:02, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> So, what about to let both try to realize this as kind of dual chair?
> Since the Chair at Apache is more ceremonial than THE lead in the best case 
> then there should be nothing to preclude both Jan and Louis from scratching 
> their itch and leading regardless of whom is the Chair.

The point I made earlier was that the “chair” title confers a kind of authority 
that we here in Apache land might find to be beside the point but others won’t. 
It’s not that I or anyone else, I imagine, would claim that 
chair equals lead. It doesn’t. But that the chair would be, in addition to the 
regular and normal admin role, a figure for the expansion and development of 
the project. 

Of course, the community could create such roles—Marketing Leads, say. Done 
that before, and it works fine. But I’m also keen—and I think others are, 
too—in keeping to a minimum bureaucratic structures. (Not because I dislike 
bureaucracy—I don’t, in theory, as a means of resolving differences—but because 
titles and roles tend to calcify, and that I don’t think anyone likes.) 
> Asking inactive PMC to go emeritus can be done in any case. The merit does 
> not expire and if willing to be active one can be restored.

Right. I was going over the PMC list 
(http://people.apache.org/committers-by-project.html#openoffice-pmc) and then 
relating those listed to participation (however defined) in the project. I’m 
terrible at engaging actively in the lists but equally terrible at boring 
people at every possible opportunity about the plusses and minuses of 
OpenOffice and the ODF, and now Corinthia (endless fun). So I give everyone 
lots of benefit of a doubt, if I missed their engagement. But I was curious why 
some members have dropped off—or slowed their engagement. A fair question, no? 
> I have respect for both. Let the debate continue.
> Regards,
> Dave.
>> Marcus
>> ———

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