some modules need to be compiled to the python virtual machine, that said, you could try to install the package manually, usually the README files will guide you, make sure the python path is correctly setup for the environment. On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 10:12 AM, Brick Ma <> wrote: > hi all, > I'm using java write little program ,fetching data from oracle database > (jdbc:oci),then > open a spreadsheet to write in using java uno. Java need do lots query > interface,i see that python is quite simple no that query staff.I can use > python shipped with openoffice open a spreadsheet,write data in it,but i > cant access oracle database. > I know there is cx_oracle,but how can i let it work with the python shipped > by openoffice(version3.2)? > any help would be appreciated. > -- Alexandro Colorado Apache OpenOffice Contributor 882C 4389 3C27 E8DF 41B9 5C4C 1DB7 9D1C 7F4C 2614