Honestly, I don't agree on 30th Anniversary, but see 2015 as 25th Anniversary.

StarWriter for text screens was written in Lueneburg near Hamburg. In Pascal. By people which later didn't work on StarWriter for Windows.

In 1990, Marco started the new StarDivision location in Hamburg. StarWriter for GUI systems to be developed from scratch. Written in C++. By completely different people.

When I started there in 1991, there was only a Writer prototype, as we also needed to first develop StarView, the class library for abstracting from Windows, OS/2, Mac and Unix Motif. Yes, there was a StarWriter Mac version in the beginning, long before it was canceled, and many years went by before there was one again! The concept of StarView was to create native system widgets for their corresponding components. As this approach lead to different issues, and not all systems had the same set of widgets, we later replaced StarView with VCL, as you know it today.

First versions of StarOffice for Windows contained Calc and Draw developed outside from StarDivision, both using their own technology stack. Iirc, StarOffice 3.0 was the first version of the suite with all components based on StarView.

The English Wiki referenced page below is misleading wrt versions. There also was a StarWriter 1.0 for Windows, many years after StarWriter 1.0 for DOS (which already was available in version 6 then).

The version history is much better documented on the German Wiki page: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/StarOffice

Just some historical data.... :)

Best regards

On 24.10.2014 17:25, Rob Weir wrote:
On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 11:15 AM, Roberto Galoppini
<roberto.galopp...@gmail.com> wrote:
2014-10-24 16:41 GMT+02:00 Rob Weir <r...@robweir.com>:

Those who know the history know that Apache OpenOffice is the
continuation of the OpenOffice.org project, which itself came from a
proprietary suite developed in Germany called StarOffice, which itself
started as StarWriter, an application written in 1985 by Marco Börries

So next year, in 2015, will be our 30th anniversary.

Any ideas what we might do?

For example, does anyone still have a Zilog Z80 (or an emulator) that
can run the original StarWriter?

I'm still a proud owner of a ZX Spectrum Sinclair 48k, never heard about a
StarWriter app, though. Does it exist, ideas about to get it?


This is from Wikipedia:


It references a page on our wiki that claims StarWriter 1.0 was
released in 1985.

No idea where to get the code.   Maybe Juergen or another "old-timer"
would have a clue for us?



It looks like some emulators here:


It might be interesting to show the history of Writer, from release to
release, via a set of screen shots (or a movie) showing the evolution
of the UI.



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