On 08/25/2014 09:00 AM, Michal Hriň wrote:
> Dňa 25.08.2014 o 17:09 Kay Schenk napísal(a):
>> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 2:28 AM, Michal Hriň <h...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm trying release 4.1.1 on my system Ubuntu with KDE 4.13.3 and
>>> desktop-integration is broken.
>>> Symlinks to soffice works but, when I tried to run program by
>>> clicking to
>>> icon in menu nothing happens or I got a "Warning" which says
>>> "Program will be executed: openoffice4 %U" by clicking on "Run" button
>>> nothings happens.
>> Which desktop-integration did you install?
>> The freedesktop  integration works for me with KDE 4.10 on opensuse 12.3.
> In release archive for Debian, there was only one .deb package for
> desktop intgeration, "dpkg" calls it "openoffice-debian-menus".

OK, I'm using rpm so there are several choices. Interesting. Sorry for
the confusion.

>>> Notice / question:
>>> Have I create issue? (in bugzilla is only 4.1 and 4.2.0-dev version)
>>> As I'm playing with building of program, and I want to refresh my
>>> programming, can someone point me to some reading about
>>> desktop-integration
>>> and to the source where is the code of it ?
>>> Why builds are provided without KDE integration ? When I tried to build
>>> program --with-kde I didn't know which libraries build script expected.
>>> Can someone point me which libraries and of what version are expected
>>> for
>>> successful build with kde-integration?
>> In configure.in in the source tree, you will find 2 parameters dealing
>> withe kde --
>> --enable-kde
>> --enable-kde4
>> I haven't followed the complete configuration to determine where kde4 is
>> used.
>> Also in configure.in, you will get to a section with starting comments
>> "Check whether the Qt and KDE libraries are available."
>> for more information on libraries needed.
>> Since both Gnome and KDE now follow the freedesktop specification, that
>> desktop integration seems to work well for most users.
>>> Regards,
>>> Michal Hriň
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