When I am trying to download Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1 in Dutch (Nederlands) I had some strange things on finding the correct downloads.
I send four pictures made from my browser as documentation.

When I selected "Windows (EXE)""and "Dutch (Nederlands)" there was only "4.1.0" as version option.

On the link "Download volledige installatie" (Download complete installation) I would have downloaded:
and that is not the Dutch (Nederlands) version. See the first picture. It should end with "_nl.exe". On the link "Download taalpakket" (Download languagepack) I have the same problem. You would have downloaded:
See the second picture.

In the second mail you see the solution I foumd for the language.
I had to split the mail in 2 mails because it was otherwise to big for you to recieve.

With kind regards,
Mr. L.J. Voets.
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