On 09.08.2014 03:10, Hung Mark wrote:
I tried to understand why my document doesn't format correctly.
I followed steps on wiki :
./uno -l libwriterfilter.so -c debugservices.ooxml.ScannerTestService --
error: libwriterfilter.so: cannot get factory of demanded implementation:
./uno -l libwriterfilter.so -c debugservices.doctok.ScannerTestService --
error: libwriterfilter.so: cannot get factory of demanded implementation:
Is the document outdated or did I miss anything?
Yes to the first part of your question, maybe to the second :-)
The wiki page describes a state during the development of the OOXML
writer filter. I am not sure that it was updated to keep track with
development. I was not directly involved in it so I can not give you
any details. But I did look into it a couple of months ago to asses
whether to build on it for a better OOXML support or whether to rewrite
it. There are some interesting ideas in it but not all where realized
and some don't work anymore. Maybe the dumping of tokens is a case of
"not working anymore".
Some info that might help you:
The source of the ooxml/ScannerTestService can found in
There are some #ifdefs that depend on a DEBUG_ELEMENT environment
variable. I don't know if that is important but I also don't see a
place where it is ever defined.
You might run the uno command in you debugger and place a breakpoint in
ScannerTestService::run(). If you don't reach it then your problem is
located in the UNO framework, otherwise it is in the OOXML scanner itself.
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