Hi. Is this something for us ? I had a capstone project (build system for windows) last term, and had quite some fun with the students.
There should be enough projects within AOO to pick and choose from, the client (the capstone name for people like us) however should be technically skilled, the students need a lot of patience and sometimes information in small doses. I dont have time to run a project by myself (last year I was lucky to have excellent help from Steve Hathaway who are not even in our project), but might help out if others are interested. rgds jan I. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: <dmcgr...@eecs.oregonstate.edu> Date: 4 August 2014 19:35 Subject: Time to propose a CS Capstone Project! To: j...@apache.org Colleagues -- Have you always wanted a particular software tool developed for your use, but have never had the time to do it yourself? Well then, read on. Have I got a deal for you! My name is Kevin McGrath. I am the instructor who runs the OSU Computer Science Senior Capstone class. The Capstone class is a 3-quarter (Fall, Winter, Spring) "career preparation" experience. The major piece of this is doing a significant 2-4 member team project. When the students come to the first class on September 29, I want to present them with a list of exciting, creative, and real-experience software engineering project possibilities. This is where you come in. I am looking for you to use your needs and experience to propose those project possibilities. A web site has been setup to give you more information, and let you enter and edit your project proposals: http://classes.engr.oregonstate.edu/eecs/fall2013/ece441/addproject.php You have until September 29 to get yours in. That is the date the students will see them, and will start the selection process. In that process, I ask the students to "bid" on their top 3 choices. I ultimately make the final project assignments, but I try to take their preferences into account. I find I get better results that way. There will likely be more projects proposed than students teams to do them. *So, really sell your project.* Definitely don't understate its cool-ness factor! After projects have been selected, we will follow a client-contractor model in which I "run" the software contract company and you are one of our valued clients. The students "report" to me, but you, as client, work directly with them to design the requirements, set the timeline, approve the progress. You also get to help assign grades. Any project can be proposed from anybody. I don't care where you are from, just that your project represents an excellent software engineering experience for the students. Do remember, however, that these are seniors. They have taken the core classes so far, but most have not taken some of the electives that would really help in some projects, such as graphics, AI, computer vision, etc. Keep that in mind when proposing. If you have questions or want to discuss project possibilities, feel free to contact me at: D. Kevin McGrath Instructor, Computer Science Oregon State University 2109 Kelley Engineering Center 541-737-1420 dmcgr...@cs.oregonstate.edu Thanks for your time -- I look forward to working with you! -- Kevin McGrath