Rory O'Farrell wrote:
I have tried with Impress 4.1.0 to open and display as Slide Shows
some existing .odp files made and displayed with OO 3.4 (and
earlier). Tomorrow I'll find a sample file to upload to Bugzilla;
pending that, I thought I'd give advance warning of such instability,
so that others can check out some of their existing presentations. If
this is confirmed should we consider it as a showstopper?

It will help to know in detail what's going wrong (are the file not displayed at all? not even opened correctly?), but if we have a regression opening old .odp files this would for sure qualify for a "release blocker candidate" and need investigation (and hopefully fix) before 4.1.1.

On the other hand, I opened many .odp files that I had created with earlier OpenOffice versions in 4.1.0 and I didn't notice regressions.


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