Hi Marco and all,

 we finally reproduced, identified and fixed this issue.


-------- Messaggio originale --------
> Oggetto:        Bug in the what's new for English Dictionaries
> Data:   Wed, 04 Jun 2014 22:54:35 +0100
> Mittente:       Marco A.G.Pinto <marcoagpi...@mail.telepac.pt>
> Rispondi-a:     dev@openoffice.apache.org, marcoagpi...@mail.telepac.pt
> A:      Mailing List - AOO - Development <dev@openoffice.apache.org>
> Hello!
> When there is a notification about new extensions updates (in this case
> the English Dictionaries) in the text box that shows what has been
> improvement, nothing appears.
> But, I filled the information about it in the Extensions site, so it can
> only be a bug?
> Could someone verify it?
> Thanks!
> Kind regards,
>         >Marco A.G.Pinto
>           -----------------------

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