Hi Peter

A warm welcome, looking forward to see your thoughts.

On 9 July 2014 17:30, Peter Kelly <pe...@uxproductivity.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I've been following OpenOffice and ODF's evolution for quite some time
> now, and am interested in getting involved in the community, as I think
> there's some areas I could contribute to. I've previously had many
> discussions about this with Louis Suárez-Potts, who suggested I introduce
> myself here.
> Briefly, my (recent) work has been on word processing for mobile devices -
> specifically, UX Write, an iOS word processor based on HTML5. This is a
> shipping product that's been on the market for a couple of years now and
> has many thousands of users. From the very beginning I've focused heavily
> on supporting open standards, and have an intimate understanding of HTML5,
> OOXML, and ODF as a result of my work on the project. I've written a lot
> about the design of the app at http://blog.uxproductivity.com.
> I note the currently-limited OOXML support in OpenOffice, and would like
> to learn more about the current work being done on this, and contribute to
> these efforts. I've previously written a mostly complete .docx <-> HTML
> filter in UX Write, which supports almost all features, and uses
> non-destructive updates for preserving unsupported elements on save.
> Currently I am early stages of adding ODF support, and am familiar enough
> with the spec to understand the relationship between the two formats pretty
> well.
> There's also a ton of thoughts on my mind about bringing OpenOffice/ODF to
> mobile, but in the interests of brevity I'll leave those for a separate
> mail :)
Best place for that would be our wiki https://wiki.openoffice.org

> I'd like to begin contributing to OO by helping document the word
> processing aspects of OOXML and their relationship to ODF, ideally in the
> wiki. The official specs of both formats serve poorly as an introduction,
> and I think a more gentle explanation would be of use. If you would like to
> see this, I'd be happy to register on the wiki and begin writing.
I hope pescetti or another admin can create an account for you.

jan I.

> --
> Dr. Peter M. Kelly
> Founder, UX Productivity
> pe...@uxproductivity.com
> http://www.uxproductivity.com/
> http://www.kellypmk.net/
> PGP key: http://www.kellypmk.net/pgp-key
> (fingerprint 5435 6718 59F0 DD1F BFA0 5E46 2523 BAA1 44AE 2966)

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