I'm not sure where to send this, so I'll try here.

In the toolbar for OpenOffice Writer and OpenOffice Calc (and perhaps other 
OpenOffice modules) there is a Paste item with a drop-down menu available. 

I would like to see a drop-down menu for Paste in the context (right-click) 
menu. It would have the same menu options as for the Paste toolbar drop-down. 

This would be different from "Paste Special..." in the context menu in Calc.  

Two possibilities for implementation: 
1) Add a menu -- ►on the right -- to the existing Paste menu item;
2) Leave the Paste menu item as is and add a new item - Paste With Options ► - 
with the submenu.

I happen to be a right-click mouse fan, so I would like to have this available.



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