2014-06-11 17:14 GMT+08:00 Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> a possible schedule for AOO 4.1.1 is not yet finally discussed and
> defined but I would like to propose some further issues that are related
> to make the code working on MacOS 10.9.3.
> First I propose that we develop the AOO 4.1.1 on the existing branch
> AOO410 because it should be a minor bugfix release with some translation
> updates. But no bigger features.
> And we still have no Mac build bot but I have updated my Mac where I
> have built the release in the past. Means I have no 10.7 system in place
> and have to build on MacOs 10.9.3. We made these changes already on
> trunk and I propose the following issues for integration in AOO 4.1.1 to
> make the build possible on MacOS 10.9.3. It will still work on 10.7.
> Well I have already prepared a build and did a first basic test but it
> will need some more testing of course.
> The issues are:
> 124896 remove obsoleted module-internal custom allocator in SAL,
>        https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=124896
> 124908 remove custom allocator support in stlport-replacement headers,
>        https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=124908
> 124422 Build no more possible with Xcode 5.1
>        https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=124422
> 124442 Mac and Java Oracle 1.7,
>        https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=124442
> More things later

  Thanks for leading the 4.1.1 release!
  I just created several defect queries to help tracing the status:

4.1.1_release_blocker+?           -
4.1.1_release_blocker+            -
4.1.1_release_blocker?            -
4.1.1_release_blocker+, Resolved  -

  One question: how will we use the Target Milestone field? Will it be used
only for resolved defect in 4.1.1?

- Shenfeng (Simon)

> Juergen
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