Hi there,

Apache OpenOffice 4.1 here, WinXP64. (yes, xp64, long story, no I
won't upgrade).

I created a 64-slides long presentation using AOO.
I need this converted to video to upload to Youtube.
I read somewhere that you could export to SWF and that Youtube accepts
SWF uploads.

So I used the Export function and saved the presentation to SWF.

Strangely, a 13.5 megabytes big presentation is conveted after the export to...
a 903 kbytes swf file (and the "export" takes a long long time).

So, being the Human Magnet for Software Bugs, it seems I've hit the
first AOO bug in the export to swf function... ;)

When I upload this to Youtube, YT shows me a still frame while
processing, warns it couldn't identify the audio codec (my
presentation has a mp3 audio embedded), and after a while says "done!"
when you watch the video, it lasts less than half a second.

Which explains why a 13.5 MB stills presentation couldn't possible
turn into a VIDEO of 903 kbytes...

Where can I upload this test document for devs to test?. Thanks in advance.

During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act
Durante épocas de Engaño Universal, decir la verdad se convierte en un
Acto Revolucionario
- George Orwell

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