On 13/05/2014 Detlef Nannen wrote:
Took a longer Time, but here are the answers to your questions.
You remember this ;-)
Yes, and unfortunately this request arrived right when we were having
the mail outage. Let's pick it up again.
- who is going to use them?
** Raphael Bircher, openoffice-pmc-member, Committer (rbircher), Switzerland
** Jörg Schmidt, Committer (joesch), Germany
** PrOOo-Box-Team (Jan-Christian Wienandt, Jörg Schmidt, myself, Detlef Nannen)
** FSFE-Team (http://fsfe.org/index.en.html)
** Mechthilde u. Michael Stehmann Working for events in Belgium an Rhine-Area
** Sidux-ev. (http://sidux-ev.org/)
- where will these people use them (list of events, conferences)?
** Kieler OpenSource und Linux-Tage (2d) at Kiel
** Berlin, Linuxtag at Berlin
** Linuxtage at Chemnitz
** Cebit at Hannover, (planned 2015 or 16, we need support)
** OpenRheinRuhr at Oberhausen
** FROSCON at Brüssel (Bruxelles, Belgium) [ -> FOSDEM + FrOSCon in St.
Augustin ]
** Augsburg, Linux-Infotag (South-Germany)
** Linuxday at Dornbirn (Austria)
** Linuxwochen (Linuxweeks) in Austria (planned in 2015)
Seems a good team and a good assortment of European events.
- what materials you are producing ? (you already sent this in the ZIP file)
** no changes in the last weeks
OK, so the reference remains
The materials listed there are all up-to-date with the current graphics.
Note that:
- We don't officially support OS/2, generic Unix, FreeBSD and Solaris.
The official versions are for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux. Then there is
number of ports that you can cite (including the Android port, AndrOpen
Office; see http://www.openoffice.org/porting/ ); but those are not
officially released, so we can't vouch for their quality or the
frequency of their updates.
- There is a concrete possibility that the application icons change in
version 4.2. So some of your materials may become outdated at that time;
you may consider this in your planning.
- If you want the original vector format of
https://www.flickr.com/photos/89947020@N07/8449364250/ in case you need
to recycle some elements, just let me know and I should have the
originals somewhere.
- Sources for those materials can be useful for other events; please
make them available too.
- an estimate of costs?
** 1000 Flyer = EURO 70 / $100
We prefer to order two or three times a year this amount.
So we don't have to discard too much when changes are made.
OK. Indeed flyers have the application icons and they may need to be
Is it also possible to produce Beachflags or RollUps. We need this for
the same purpose as the Flyers. We have here two old RollUps, but with
the old logo. In addition, the RollUps are pretty worn out. New cost
per piece approx 110 euros incl. delivery.
It would be best to buy roll-ups where you can change only the printed
image and keep the structure, so for example "plakat_6_gruende" can be
updated with the new application icons in future.
So, to summarize, with a 300 EUR budget you would be able to get 2 new
rollups with the designs you sent, plus 1000 leaflets? If you confirm we
can discuss/approve the budget allocation on this list and move on. Note
that you will need to pay yourself and then submit the bills for
reimbursement (of course, I'll give you all information in case).
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