On 15/05/2014 Steele, Raymond wrote:
I compiled OpenOffice and  extracted the archive located at
top my /opt directory. However, it appears that during runtime of the
Application the user private directory is located in
/opt/openoffice4/.openoffice/4/user,  which is global to all users.
How do I configure the private user directories to be created in the
users home directory to prevent a .lock file from preventing another
user access to using the application?

I know from previous discussions here that you are doing a huge effort to port OpenOffice to Solaris (and I apologize if others have already answered; mail delivery is still delayed due to technical problems); anyway, assuming that the basics are the same as in other UNIX-like systems, the "archived" build define their own location for the user profile and this is why you see a common one.

The profile location is defined in a file named "bootstraprc", which you will find at something like:

This is the content of a bootstraprc file with per-user profile settings:

ProductKey=OpenOffice 4.1.0


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