On 16 May 2014 15:41, Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am currently investigating in Google's C++ test framework [1] which
> seems to be quite powerful and a good replacement for cppunit which has
> not the proper license.
> My idea is to use gtest as general C++ unit testing framework in our
> build environment and replace long term all cppunit based tests with new
> or adapted tests using gtest.
> A further goal is to use this testing framework for new C++ unit tests
> and enable these new unit tests by default. Means I plan to introduce a
> new build requisite and let the user actively disable unit testing on
> demand (eg. configure ... --disable-unit-tests).
> I believe it is a good thing to enable these unit test by default and
> let them disable on demand. We want to get informed if something gets
> wrong as soon as possible.
> But we will have different options to complete a build even if an unit
> tests fails. But more detailed information will come later.
> For the moment I just want to propose this enhancement (from my pov) and
> trying to build it on Linux, Mac and Windows.
+1 speaking as one who knows both cppunit and gtest.

jan I.

> Juergen
> [1] https://code.google.com/p/googletest/
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